An important initiative of the NCA is to create a safe, cooperative forum for leaders of different faiths and ethnicities to meet and get to know and understand one another. This movement aims to foster good relations among the richly varied people among whom we live. It also allows for chaplains to broaden their horizons so they may be of service to people of many backgrounds and affiliations.
NCA chaplains liaise with a vast network of government, law, and health officials. We have cultivated a strong cooperative and personal relationships with these public servants and this places us in a strong position when advocacy is required in cases of crisis. In these interactions, we strive to improve communication, minimize misunderstandings, and foster a mutually respectful and cooperative relationship between the communities and those who serve them.
We maintain a large network of contacts by hosting events for public service professionals and community leaders and cultivating lasting relationships. This endeavor has proven to be of significant value to the community, constantly allowing individuals in need to connect with those in a position to assist them.
Positive working relationships are rooted in mutual respect and understanding. NCA’s cultural sensitivity awareness programs educate professionals about nuances that can potentially create barriers in their line of work. Our highly skilled and engaging presenters conduct interactive seminars that broaden their participants’ perspective and provide them with practical tools.
Our 24/7 hotline is a lifeline for those in need of immediate faith-based support and assistance, as well as those in crisis. We are inundated with tragic cases of loss, illness, or incarceration, and our professional and compassionate chaplains are promptly dispatched to the scene. With a vast network of contacts and connections, NCA members make helpful referrals and effectively alleviate suffering or mitigate their crisis.
Awareness and understanding of government laws and policies is the best way to prevent issues before they arise. NCA’s educational seminars educate the community and foster a clear understanding of every area of the law.